カテゴリー別アーカイブ: 短歌・俳句・川柳・詩・歌詞

Send your name & message to Mars! [three-line poem, or haiku]  July 1 2013 Activity closes

Send your name & message to Mars! [three-line poem, or haiku]  July 1 2013 Activity closes
Go to Mars with MAVEN
Send your name & message to Mars!
Submit your name and a message to be sent into Mars orbit on the MAVEN spacecraft.
●Who can submit a name and where will it go?
Anybody on planet Earth is welcome to participate! However, to create a log-in you must be 18 or older.
If you are under 18 and you would like to enter, please ask your parent or teacher for help.
Your name will be written to a DVD and sent into Mars orbit on the MAVEN spacecraft.
●What is the Message to Mars contest?
Craft your own original message to Mars!
Messages, which must be in the form of a haiku poem, will be voted on by the public; the top three most popular entries will be sent to Mars onboard the MAVEN spacecraft and will be prominently displayed on the MAVEN website.
※Messages must be in English.
●How do I submit my name and message?
You must be logged in to submit your name and message.
Log in/register
●Send your name & message to Mars activity timeline
May 1 Activity opens
July 1 Activity closes
July 15 Public voting begins on messages
July 29 Public voting ends on messages
August 8 Message contest winner announced!
November 18 MAVEN launch period opens
For more information, please see the contest rules.
